We are excited to reveal to our members the program of our next social weekend escape! It's time we revisited the beautiful regional town, Orange.
What to expect
We have carefully selected excellent and very well rated accommodation, and we have some brilliant casual and semi formal dining options in store, as well as fun activities that will help you bond with new friends, along with those exciting twisty and challenging roads that our BMWs were made for.
The convoy will depart Sydney early on Friday 28 February, and head for Bathurst for lunch, and a few laps (at the speed limit) around the iconic racetrack. Some attendees may wish to attend the motor museum before lunch. We will enjoy a casual dinner on Friday evening in Orange.
There will be a drive organised for Saturday 1 March that will take attendees through the stunning countryside of Orange and surrounds. To conclude the drive, there will be lunch, and optional wine tasting afterwards. The group will enjoy a special dinner on Saturday evening. On Sunday we will gather for breakfast before saying farewell. Some may chose to stay on for another night at their leisure, or convoy back towards Sydney together.
Program information
The activities, meals and full program has yet to finalised, however we encourage members to book accommodation ASAP to avoid disappointment. If you would like to attend this event, register now, so when we have finalised the program, we can simply email it to registered attendees. If you register to attend this event, we will assume you have booked your accommodation and are confirmed as attending.
A number of rooms have been reserved at the Mercure in Orange at 94 Byng Street. This hotel is well located and offers modern rooms, all within walking distance of the main street of town.
You will need to book accommodation for two nights, Friday 28 February, and Saturday 1 March.
To book, simply call the Mercure on 6362 5611, or visit their website.
Our Social Events Manager Ash Sherry can be contacted at ash.sherry@bmwclubnsw.asn.au or alternatively David Hogg our Club Membership Secretary on membership@bmwclubnsw.asn.au